Contemporary Theatre for America
Get Involved
Mind The Gap is now accepting submissions for consideration in its
ongoing BRITBITS series. These short plays must be:
1-20 pages in length maximum
written by NATIVE UK playwrights​
require simple set and technical elements
accompanied by a brief playwright biography
Scripts must be submitted by an agent OR by invitation
OR accompanied by a bio or resume of previous productions
(if any) Scripts may be submitted as a .DOC or .PDF
We are also accepting full-length plays:
written by NATIVE UK playwrights
cast size not to exceed eight
not to exceed two hours run time
simple set and technical elements
accompanied by brief playwright biography
Mind The Gap is a 501(c) Non-Profit organization run entirely by volunteers. We are always looking for interesting, driven individuals for a wide variety of roles within the organization.
Drop us a line at if you'd like to discuss working with us.
We are always accepting submissions from both union and non-union actors of all types and ages from both sides of the pond.
Email your headshot and resume to us and keep us updated on your work at: